September 2007

Puddling Through

Rains couldn't dampen the spirit of the merchants or shoppers at the Farmer's Market on Sunday. Several merchants mentioned that the crowd was surprisingly good despite the heavy rains. "This area always turns out for the market," said the people at Tiny's of Wenatchee, one of the fruit merchants.


Get passports at Neighborhood Service Centers

The Department of Neighborhoods is adding more hours and more places for passport applications, offered Tuesday through Friday.

Delridge Neighborhood Service Center, 5405 Delridge Way S.W., Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Saturdays.

West Seattle Neighborhood Service Center, 4205 S.W. Alaska St., Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Saturdays.

Passports usually take 10-12 weeks and are mailed directly. Expedited service is available (at least 14 days prior to travel) for an additional $60.


Fentonwood block party

When I got the call from Sally Ganong urging me to attend the annual reunion block party for the Fentonwood community, I grabbed Elsbeth and away we went.

After all, we were once residents in this cluster of dramatically different homes in the Shorewood area. We were so stunned by this group of 19 homes designed by West Seattle's Bob Norsen we bought one instantly. This was in 1962 and to this day they are the most uniquely designed homes I have ever seen. This clever man was way ahead of his time. He pioneered epoxy resin entries and full size bathtubs.


Jerry's View - New dealer gets bum rap

When Elsbeth and I visited the newly purchased George Gee auto dealership recently, I got a chance to talk with the new owners of the former Huling Brothers company.

I met George Sr., his son Ryan and their wives and found them all warm, neighborly and anxious to talk to me about their long-term experience in serving the driving needs of thousands of friends in Spokane where the name (it once was McGee generations ago in Ireland) is a household word.

I love their philosophy - no visitor ever leaves our showroom without a smile on their face - but I was stunned when they t


Bike and car road rules

In light of the recent death of a young cyclist by being run over, please everyone, watch out for bicyclists.

Not only is it the kind thing to do, it is the law.

It is illegal to pass a bicyclist if there is approaching traffic (car, bike or truck) - road dieted streets seem to be a grey area, pass with care.

It is legal for bicyclists to ride two abreast.

It is illegal for a car to honk at a bicyclist unless it is an emergency.

White Center Auction Successful

Attending the third White Center Community Development Association fund-raising auction was a wonderful, lively, entertaining experience held last night (9/15/2007) and was highly attended by the community.

The auction was staged to perfection by White Center Community Development Association Executive Director Aileen Balahadia and her staff.

It proves that when our citizens of our community have an organization doing a wonderful job, not only do they the citizens come forth but bring their hard-earned dollars to support these efforts.

Bob Watt was the emcee fo


For a rainy day

Thanks to Don Brunell for his enthusiastic op-ed piece on rain barrels. Seattle Public Utilities has been working with the Seattle Conservation Corps since 2003 to discount rain barrels to residents of Seattle. The program has provided Seattleites with a convenient source of rain barrels at a modestly reduced price. Since 2003, we've sold over 9,000 discounted barrels.

However, we must call your readers attention to an inaccuracy in the article. There is no monthly rate break triggered by purchasing a rain barrel. We offer a flat, one-time-only discount of $5 per barrel.