

Mon, 09/17/07

Cable internet and television provider Comcast chose Robinson Newspapers as one of the subjects of an upcoming testimonial advertising campaign.

Quisenberry Marketing and Design, working with the Wylen Group from New York conducted…MORE

Mon, 09/17/07

Work is again underway on the Burke-Gilman Trail extension from Northwest 60th Street to Golden Gardens, following a three-week pause to finalize permitting requirements.

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) was…MORE

Mon, 09/17/07

Mayor Greg Nickels plans to increase spending for neighborhood transportation projects to enhance public safety, and improve neighborhood streetscapes.

Following a city outreach effort, Nickels responded by adding $2 million to the city's…MORE

Mon, 09/17/07

Throughout this month, community initiated projects that would add sidewalks and make other improvements to many Ballard streets are vying for a piece of the city's neighborhood street fund from the "Bridging the Gap" levy.

The projects…MORE

Mon, 09/17/07

Mayor Greg Nickels wants to keep commercial and retail development off industrial land.

Nickels has announced an initiative to strengthen zoning protection for industry and manufacturing in Seattle. The purpose, Nickels said during a press…MORE


Mon, 09/17/07

Mayor Greg Nickels made a recent on-foot inspection of the Crown Hill neighborhood, but it was not a walk through the path of least resistance.

He appeared gracious and receptive as organizers of the Crown Hill Neighborhood Association and…MORE

Mon, 09/17/07

Spurred in part by the potential conversion the Lock Vista Apartments to condominiums, Ballard residents expressed anger and frustration last week over the depleting pool of affordable housing here.

Seattle's director of housing joined…MORE


Mon, 09/17/07

To some people Ron Robinson was just a regular guy that was down on his luck and deserved a helping hand. He loved puppies, children, knew how to fix cars and always had a smile on his face.

Others saw a homeless person who smelled like…MORE

Tue, 09/11/07

The number of lanes from Sea-Tac International Airport was reduced last week from three to two in the near-to-terminal area.

Drivers should expect delays leaving the airport, especially during busy travel hours-midday (11 a.m.


Tue, 09/11/07

Six acres of ridge-top property in the West Duwamish greenbelt - once slated for surplus sale by the city for private condo development - are on their way to preservation as public open space.

The Seattle City Council's committee on parks…MORE

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