14700 6th Ave. S.W.
Burien, Wa.
United States
Burien Arts Association, a local non-profit arts and cultural organization in Burien, calls for art for the 2020 Burien Arts Association Lobby Wall monthly shows at the Burien Community Center.
- Location, Burien Arts Community Center Lobby Wall
14700 6th Ave SW, Burien, WA 98166 - Burien Arts hosts a featured solo artist every month, except for November.
- Size of the wall, 20’ wide x 8’ high.
- Hanging materials are provided.
- Artist reception, hosted by Burien Arts, takes place on the first Tuesday evening of the month, 6 – 7:30 PM.
- Burien Arts Association offers a 50% commission for sales during the month of the show.
- Interested artist please apply via the Burien Arts website, gallery tab. http://burienarts.org/gallery/
For other questions, please contact: BurienArts@gmail.com