Bridge reopening celebration plans coming together; Walk/Run, "Bite of the Bridge" and more are planned
Bridge reopening celebration plans coming together; Walk/Run, "Bite of the Bridge" and more are planned
An early look at the potential layout for a one day bridge reopening event along Fauntleroy Way near the entrance to the Expressway for the bridge shows where food booths, a music stage, and other parts of the event might go.
Image by Fizz Events
Tue, 04/26/2022
While the exact date of the reopening of the West Seattle Bridge remains uncertain, the community organizers planning events to celebrate and welcome the rest of the city back to the peninsula say things are finally gelling.
Much of what is being planned is of course reliant on permits, and the participation of the local business community but the broad outlines are getting clearer. In a Zoom call on Tuesday April 26, the man behind the Loop The Lupe events at Our Lady of Guadalupe, Brian Callanan, introduced his associate Jared Loranger whose company Fizz Events produces many such events around the area.
A preliminary course map for the Run/Walk on the West Seattle Bridge that would be part of a reopening celebration. Fizz Events
The Walk/Run would be a paid event, as are many runs with the entry cost likely less than $45 for this unique experience. Participants would get a T-Shirt and a very special medal. Following the race a couple of hours would be allotted for the public to take a free stroll down and out on to the bridge deck, but to prevent crowding, registration for the free tickets will be required. The Walk/Run course would take participants from the top at 35th down the hill all the way out to the SR 99 exit for the turnaround.
The "after party" kicks off after the run too featuring live music, giveaways, and possibly dozens of local restaurants offering small tastes in what is being billed as a "Bite of the Bridge". The food samples will be available to ticket holders for a set fee. A beer garden will also be part of the fun. More details are being worked out.
The fun will continue throughout the summer with a Glass Float scavenger hunt. Produced by Avalon Glass the floats will be placed all over the community, waiting for the public to explore area businesses and more to find them. Hints as to their location will be provided via social media and other means.
Local actor/Director Ryan Cory, who has done commercial film production for some of the largest brands in the northwest as well as short films for The West Seattle Junction and other businesses, is producing a film to celebrate all aspects of West Seattle that will be shared on YouTube as well as on social media.
A dedicated website is being developed as a central information distribution point for all the events being planned too.
Premier event sponsors now include STS Construction Services and Compass Realty but organizers are seeking both additional business sponsors and community members who would like to offer support. If you'd like your business featured on all the various areas and materials from T-Shirts to, posters to events regarding these events contact the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce for details.
It's worth noting that no tax dollars are being spent on these events and they won't delay or change the opening date of the bridge itself.
Now all that's needed is an actual date to reopen.
SDOT has continued to say a mid year opening is likely but they must complete all repair/rehabilitation tasks first, then allow the concrete to cure, and complete testing. They have stated the opening date will be announced when they are 30 days away.