SDOT: High bridge repair: Removing the last work platform this weekend; continuing maintenance work and preparing for reopening
file photo by Patrick Robinson
Fri, 08/26/2022
Information from Seattle Department of Transportation

We are staying busy on the West Seattle Bridge as we prepare for reopening on September 18. Last weekend, we removed and dissassembled the west work platforms from the bridge. Watch our timelapse video to see the platforms coming down from the bridge and the deconstruction process. We’ll be removing the final work platforms from the east span this weekend.

This week, we completed the final major concrete pour on the Fauntleroy Expressway. We also installed more permanent inspection platforms inside the bridge. These platforms allow for extensive access inside the bridge for monitoring the structure over the coming months and years.
West Seattle Bridge Final Repairs Checklist
- Completed: Let the post-tensioning concrete set and cure
- Completed: Install post-tensioning ducts
- Completed: Pre-tensioning epoxy injections and carbon-fiber wrapping
- Completed: Install post-tensioning strands
- Completed: Tension post-tensioning strands
- Completed: Complete final epoxy injections and carbon-fiber wrapping
- Completed: Complete cure time for the carbon-fiber wrapping
- Under construction: Remove work platforms
- To do: Restore the bridge deck
- To do: Load test and inspect the repairs
- To do: Demobilize the site
Coming soon: Closing lanes on the Spokane St Viaduct to survey the pavement
Plan for a closure of all the eastbound lanes on the Spokane St Viaduct from SR 99 to I-5 between 8 AM and 4 PM on Saturday, September 3.
We’re closing all the eastbound lanes so crews can complete a survey of the bridge surface. The survey will help us develop an accurate surface map of the Spokane St Viaduct bridge deck and inform future paving of the bridge.
Detours will be in place, directing traffic to streets in the SODO neighborhood. Both eastbound and westbound lower Spokane St will be open during the closure. The westbound lanes of the Spokane St Viaduct will remain open during this work on the eastbound lanes.
Building a bike lane connection between SW Avalon Way and Delridge Way SW

We are creating more space for people to safely bike between existing protected bike lanes on SW Avalon Way and SW Andover Street. This project will connect the neighborhoods near Delridge Way SW.
We finished paving on SW Andover Street last week. As soon as today, Friday, August 26, 2022, we’ll start striping the new street layout and bike lane. This will complete the project.
During construction, we’ll need to occasionally close travel lanes. We do not expect significant impacts to people driving. We’ll also need to put up temporary “no parking” signs and we will place these at least 72 hours in advance of construction. View the full construction notice here.
Work hours are weekdays from approximately 9 AM to 3 PM to avoid peak commute times and weekends from approximately 8 AM to 5 PM. If you are travelling in the area, please expect delays, drive safely in work zones, and follow directions from signs and flaggers.
Construction in West Seattle this weekend
People driving can expect minor traffic impacts on Harbor Island at the SW Manning St and SW Klickitat Way intersection this weekend. While we remove the work platforms on the eastern span of the high bridge, people accessing Terminal 102 will be rerouted as a safety measure to avoid the work area. These traffic impacts will occur during the day on Saturday, August 27 and Sunday, August 28. Those travelling east and westbound on SW Spokane St will not be impacted. Detour signs will be in place for those travelling to and from Terminal 102.
As part of the Reconnect West Seattle project, we will be completing several projects this weekend.
- We’ll be paving California Ave SW between SW Walker St and SW Hill St on Saturday and Sunday. This work is anticipated to begin as early as 7 AM and conclude by 4PM. There will be minor traffic impacts however please anticipate delays.
- Starting Friday through Sunday, we’ll be paving 35th Ave SW from SW Edmunds to SW Alaska St. Both directions of traffic will be maintained, but drivers can expect delays in the area. Work is anticipated to begin at 7 AM and conclude by 4 PM.
- To improve visibility, our crews will be working on SW Roxbury St between 9th Ave S and 14th Ave S to trim landscaping. On Saturday, we’ll begin work as early as 7 AM and conclude by 3 PM. There will be minor traffic impacts, however you may experience delays while traveling through the area.
Weather permitting, we’ll be repainting the markings on two intersections starting Friday night at 9 PM through Saturday morning at 7 AM. The intersections we’ll be marking are 1st Ave S and East Marginal Way S and 2nd Ave SW and Highland Park Way SW. Traffic lanes will be closed as needed and they will be restored after the intersection markings have been painted. Please anticipate delays and navigate the area with caution.
As part of necessary maintenance work, we’re also replacing concrete panels on 16th Ave SW and SW Myrtle St. This work is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday and is anticipated to begin as early as 7 AM and conclude by 4 PM. Traffic in all directions will be maintained, but drivers can expect delays in the area.