Dick Rehm is 101 and credits his longevity to his wife Nell
Dick Rehm is 101 and credits his longevity to his wife Nell
Dick Rehm, 101, credits his wife Nell with his longevity. The couple have lived in West Seattle for their whole 73 year long marriage.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
Sat, 08/05/2023
Dick Rehm is 101. but he takes no credit for his own longevity. Instead when asked how he managed to live such a long life he pointed, and said, "She's standing right there," referring to his wife of 73 years Nell.
His family held a party at the Rehm home in West Seattle to celebrate on Saturday, bringing together four generations. Cake and cupcakes were enjoyed and smiles, hugs and laughs were plentiful. The youngest party goer was only 6 weeks old.
Dick said he always got a lot of sleep, and ate "A lot of fruits and vegetables" in his life. He did note that his four children all say they are lucky they got some of his genes, looking forward to long happy lives themselves.
Richardson "Dick" Rehm was born at Virginia Mason Hospital, Seatle WA, to Norma and Hays Rehm in 1922.
At 7 years old, Dick received his first electric train for Christmas. At that age it was more exciting getting a new train than also getting a new baby brother.
Dick has enjoyed anything "train" ever since. After graudatiing high school Dick joined the Navy and after gaining 3rd class petty officer status Dick and his fellow sailors got their own Pullman sleeper train car for a cross-country trip from Newport Rhode Island, to an advanced school in San Diego.
On a long weekend off from the training school, Dick took the train up to Los Angeles to visit family friends, Clara and Lewis Howe. Besides Clara being a good cook " which was a relief from Navy chow", they also had two "cute little girls" around which was a nice change from sailors" (one of these "cute little girls" was named Nell).
In September 1948 Dick proposed to Nell and they had a one-year, long distance engagement- Nnot the usual fun engagement time, but we were in close contact mailing house plans back and forth".
On September 10, 1949 Dick and Nell married at St. Mathias Church in Los Angeles- "I had to get baptized before the priest would do the job,". Dick said.
Laguna Beach was the setting for a nice honeymoon.
Dick and Nell took the train back to Seattle where Dick built the house they have lived in ever since.
After naval service Dick was back to work at the telephone company in West Seattle.