Councilmember Saka,
I would like to speak with you or a representative from your office as soon as possible about this latest email from SDOT regarding the expansion of the Alki Healthy Street project.
I reviewed the November 12 – December 2nd survey results and noted that SDOT did not include the 2,500(+/-) petition signees of the ALKI For All Petition that opposed the traffic revisions around Alki point and the removal of the majority of parking for visitors. Note in their own results that 60% of respondents indicated they felt the park was off limits to all vehicles. (Why wasn’t this survey conducted during the summer months during peak visitor season?)

SDOT responded that when they checked this park for available parking, there was ample spots to park. This is at best, disingenuous, as the signage at both entrances to the park indicates the street is CLOSED. Period. They set the conditions to keep these visitors away and are now claiming that there is no issue with public parking.
SDOT did not indicate if more public parking spots will be removed at the Point in this next phase. This omission needs to be explained to the community before any action is taken.
There is NO bus service to Alki Point since the #37 route was cancelled during COVID. They are encouraging visitors instead to take public transportation that does not exist.
The changes that have been made have resulted in thousands of visitors excluded from participating in the Beach Naturalist programs but it appears they did not consider these factors in their review. Nor did they consider the severe limits placed on the elderly, the individuals with limited mobility and outside visitors to the park.
Constellation Park is a Marine Reserve and a teaching beach where people from all over the city come to learn about the critical role the beach marine life plays in the health of our Sound. The Constellation tidal pools are one of the few places in Seattle where people can explore the living marine life and the public can learn how they can protect these amazing creatures. It appears SDOT’s primary consideration is with those activities such as bike riding, scooters and walking/running.
To date, SDOT has failed to engage with Community Groups such as The Whale Trail, Seal Sitters, The Seattle Public Schools, the local retirement homes, and the various Beach Naturalist programs. So, what is meant by the following statement:
- Partner with Seattle Parks & Recreation and Community Based Organizations for programing and events
SDOT needs to explain what they mean by this statement.
There is far too much missing information, and I believe a community meeting should be held to answer questions about this latest report.
Thank you,
Victoria Nelson
Seattle, Washington 98136