West Seattle - Features

Sun, 09/30/12

Max Vekich and Marcee Stone tied the knot at the Alki Arts Gallery Saturday night, Sept. 29. About 40 friends and family members attended. Seattle Municipal Court Judge Fred Bonner officiated and a reception followed. They were joined by Max's…MORE

Fri, 09/28/12

On Sunday, September 30th at 4 PM, film enthusiasts who come to the Admiral Theater will unite with audiences in over 300 cities and spanning six continents to view and judge the work of the next generation, of filmmakers from around the world…MORE

Wed, 09/26/12

Rick Ramage got his dog Henry, a Bassett Hound three years ago through Craigslist. "A friend of mine said, 'You need a Bassett Hound' , I had been talking dogs, and he got a couple of dogs and was looking at this one and found two labs." He went…MORE

Wed, 09/26/12

Coverage from Stacy Sayles

“Fire it up”…”Fire it Up” …was chanted loudly and proudly by students at Lafayette’s assembly on Sept. 25 to kick-off their annual Walk-A-Thon! Excitement generated from the building as students learned of this…MORE

Tue, 09/25/12

by Renée Bacino Davis

The Annapurna Circuit, a 160-mile trek amongst some of the highest peaks in the world. My husband, Jeremy, and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary in one of the most memorable and astounding ways we could…MORE

Sat, 09/22/12

On Saturday, June 9th, 45 kids ages 5 - 12 from over 10 different elementary schools attended cheer camp led by the WSHS cheerleaders.

The campers had a fun filled afternoon filled with, cheer fundamentals, basic stunt moves,…MORE

Fri, 09/21/12

Retired actor Ivan Rado, 81, also known in the Mexican cinema as "Jorge" Rado, was 6' 7" at his height, shall we say. He's still up there, and while some may say he resembles George Bernard Shaw, or perhaps the iconic director, John Huston, Rado…MORE

Fri, 09/21/12

By Lilli Ann Carey

Dakota Place Park, formerly a Seattle City Light substation, has been undergoing a remodel this summer and this and next week will mark the opening of this new site.

A charming brick building surrounded by…MORE

Thu, 09/20/12

Jack Cesareo is an artist and he's on a journey, his second across America and he's traveling with a cupcake. Not a real cupcake. Well, it's real enough alright, but there's no actual cup or cake or frosting involved.

Like the traveling…MORE

Wed, 09/19/12

Editor's Note: This is part of a series of food posts by West Seattle's own Holly Brown whose food blog and WebTV show, The Brown Lounge has gained a national following.

By Holly Brown

Don’t let summer fade away without giving…MORE

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