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Tue, 04/07/09

These days, the teen fiction market enjoys an enormous audience. It seems some girls around school are never seen without a copy of "Twilight" clasped underneath their arm. And while teen fiction rakes in its share of revenue for the publishing…MORE


Tue, 04/07/09

Ballard, Greenwood and Phinney Ridge residents are invited to Taproot Theater this Friday, April 10 for special two-for-one tickets to that evening’s performance of "Tuesdays with Morrie." The offer corresponds with that evening’s Art Up…MORE


Mon, 04/06/09

Biscuit is a male Pixie-Bob mix that was born on Dec. 2 and went to live with Cynthia Glenn, pictured here, and Marcella Ripich eight weeks after that.

Biscuit is cute and curious, he loves Costco boxes and pushing things off high places…MORE


Mon, 04/06/09

Don Malo may be the luckiest man in White Center. His commute takes him all of 30 seconds because he and his wife live just steps from where he works.

Don is the owner of Malo's Auto Body on 17th Southwest and has been part of the White…MORE

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Mon, 04/06/09

One woman pledged to check directions before leaving the house, another pledged to commute by bicycle even in the rain. Someone pledged to teach an adult how to ride a bicycle, yet another decided to lobby for a car-free area.



Mon, 04/06/09

Supposedly April showers bring May flowers. For us Seattleites, April tells us that the brutal bone-chilling winter has come to an end. We revive our hopes for warm days and plan fun activities that don’t involve sitting around inside.


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Sun, 04/05/09

The Cambodian community celebrated that country's New Year at a White Center street festival, Saturday, April 4.

It was a sunny day and the festival was in full swing at 15th Avenue Southwest at Southwest 98th Street in White Center.…MORE


Sat, 04/04/09

Spring seemed to arrive in Ballard April 4 as the sun peeked out and temperatures threatened to break 60 degrees.

Jonathan Testa celebrated the drastic change in weather by rendering his interpretation of the Seattle skyline at Ballard…MORE


Sat, 04/04/09

Somebody’s girlfriend is crying outside. It’s raining, frigid cold and after midnight.

That someone was sitting at the end of the bar. I know because he’s in every Wednesday night, most times with her sometimes alone. They had been…MORE

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Sat, 04/04/09

Miniature gardening is a great way to introduce gardening to kids, in a very fun way. The garden fairy idea is sure to win over the girls, and, with the number of small action figure toys out there today, there’s no reason boys can be left out of…MORE

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