May 2007

Mrs. Robinsons compare hubbys

(Editor's Note: Jerry Robinson ran into a couple of other Robinsons while cruising around town last week.)

Here's to you,

Mrs. Robinson

While I was looking over the golf magazines at Fred Meyer, Elsbeth sat down on a bench to wait for me. Wonder of wonders, the woman resting on her left was also named Mrs. Robinson.

What are the odds of sitting down next to a stranger with the same name? I told her to go buy a lottery ticket.

They had a great time comparing husbands. Hers does not play golf. Elsbeth's does but has quit keeping score.


Nabobs of negativism poison Puget Sound roads and transit measure debate

The entire population of Portland is moving here.

Some have already arrived.

Projections are that between 2000 and 2030, 1.2 million people-equal to the population of metropolitan Portland-will be added to the Puget Sound area.

We can try to keep everyone moving by adding ever more freeways and more lanes to existing roadways.

We can continue to drive to work alone in our SUVs, paying $3 or $4 a gallon for gas and adding to global warming.

But it isn't going to work.


Common sense says Burien artwork not good

After a flood of Burien residents attended the May 21 Burien City Council meeting to say they did not care for the proposed Town Square tilted sculpture, some Burien City Council members surprised everyone. They made reference to the fact they do not personally know art and they, in essence, trust the judgment of the Burien Arts Commission.

The public was reminded of the lengthy process Burien Arts Commission members went through to be appointed to their seats.


Water taxi may dock in Des Moines

Des Moines residents once could take water taxis to Seattle and Tacoma. But that was over 50 years ago.

Now the Puget Sound Passenger Ferry Coalition wants to bring a water taxi back to the Waterland community.

"We've been looking at this for the last three years with a group called the South Sound Ferry Coalition," said Des Moines City Councilwoman Susan White.

"The idea's been around for a long time with the 'Mosquito Fleet' that was here years ago.


Primary election filing starts early

For the first time in history, candidates for public office in Washington will file for office in June.

The filing period begins Monday, June 4, and ends Friday, June 8.

Candidates for city and county councils, school boards, and fire, water and sewer district commission seats must file with the King County Elections division to get their names on the Aug.


SeaTac's Valley View marks closure of unique school

When word got out that the Highline School District was planning to close SeaTac's Valley View Elementary, support poured in from former students trying to save it.

At a public hearing to discuss the proposed closures, former Principal Judy Longstreth read one letter from an ex-student now working at a prestigious Wall Street firm in New York City.

He wrote that he had concluded that his education at the alternative public school was as good as the education his colleagues received at expensive East Coast prep schools.

While three out of the district's five boa


SeaTac garage project pending

A planned retail development and parking garage at the old Airport Plaza Hotel location in SeaTac is set to go ahead, although light rail will take a greater chunk of the site than expected.

Sound Transit plans to purchase about 50,000 feet of the property.

The SeaTac City Council is expected to take action on June 26 on amendments to a previous development agreement for the site at 18613 International Boulevard on the southeast side of Sea-Tac International Airport.

Developers want to count land under the proposed elevated light rail, which will be owned by So
