Ballard - Police Blotter

Tue, 04/01/14

Thief makes off with fine coin

March 22 – At the 5500 block of 8th Avenue Northwest officers responded to a commercial burglary at a laundromat. The owners reported that when they arrived at the scene they found the front door pried open.…MORE

Tue, 03/25/14

Thief makes off with $1500 worth of wire

March 17, at the 8300 block of 12th Avenue Northwest officers responded to a burglary at a construction site. Officers made contact with the complainant who told them that he was a contractor and…MORE

Mon, 03/17/14

Loose lock opens Pandora’s box

Mar. 12 at the 1000 block of Nickerson Street officers responded to a reported burglary. The complainant told officers that when she arrived to her place of business she noticed the door was open and that the…MORE

Tue, 03/11/14

Brick to window yields Mac Book Pro On Mar. 1 at the 800 block of Northwest 49th Street a building owner notified police that a south side window had been broken. The building owner had responded to reports from tenants and called the police. The…MORE

Tue, 02/25/14

Boyfriend blames and beats girlfriend for alleged attack

Feb. 15 at the 8th Avenue Northwest and 52nd Street, a public disturbance was reported. A man and women were in an argument and the woman was reportedly kicking and chasing the male…MORE

Tue, 02/18/14

Paranoid bank robber takes cash, leaves prints

Feb. 10 at the 8700 block of Holman Road Northwest, officers responded to a reported bank robbery. En route to the scene dispatch told officers that the suspect had left the scene. They…MORE

Mon, 02/10/14

Weekenders find jewelry taken…maybe.

Jan. 31 at the 1200 block of Northwest 116th Street officers responded to a reported burglary. Officers spoke with the complainants and they told officers that they were out of town visiting their cabin…MORE

Mon, 02/03/14

Drunk napkin thief flees the scene after charging his phone.

Jan. 27 at the 5300 of Ballard Avenue N.W. officers responded to a reported burglary at a bar/nightclub. The manager of the bar told officers that while the bar was closed he…MORE

Tue, 01/21/14

Jan. 13 officers responded to a burglary at the 100 block of Northwest 76th Street. The complainant told officers that the rear door of the garage had been pried open and the doorframe had been damaged. The complainant said that nothing had been…MORE

Mon, 01/06/14

Gloveless door dinger leaves prints on bulb On Dec. 20 at the 7500 block of 24th Avenue  N.W.  officers responded to a burglary forced entry at an apartment building.  Officers found the complainant and she explained that her friend lived at the…MORE

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