January 2021

HERBOLD: ST3 light rail to West Seattle cost estimate increases

District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold offered this update on the cost increases recently announced by Sound Transit regarding the extensions to West Seattle and Ballard

Sound Transit committees have received two recent briefings about cost increases for the West Seattle/Ballard light rail project.

January 7 Executive Committee


LETTER: Mayor Durkan's comments about the riots are calling the kettle black

 To the editor:

Regarding Mayor Durkan’s comments about riots in DC: Talk about  the pot calling the kettle black. How can she be critical of Trump when she enabled rioters to take over capitol Hill and destroy dozens of businesses, burn property and watch crime explode? Then she makes partisan comments about Trump at the same time she calls for unity. She will always be remembered for her “summer of love” comment and how destructive her inactions led to loss of life, property, and employment and gave our city a black eye in the eyes of the nation. No one will want to come to our city long after Covid is contained.

Travel guidance from SEA: Mask Up SEA into 2021

information from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

FlyHealthy@SEA is our layered, comprehensive action plan to ensure your health and well-being while traveling. Be informed and ready with these travel tips and resources. Please contact your airline if you have questions about that part of your journey. 

Your safety, health and well-being are our priority. In 2020, we implemented a requirement for face coverings, escalated cleaning and disinfecting, implemented physical distancing, and added touchless technologies. The airport’s multi-layered response to COVID-19 continues in 2021.


Shelves filled with untold riches

By Jean Godden

As a newswoman and columnist, an ink-stained wretch, I always knew that I would never get rich. But, if not checkbook rich, I'm rich in another way: I'm cookbook rich.

Over the years, I've managed to collect nearly 200 cookbooks, some inherited from relatives, some acquired as gifts and others that I bought or picked up at yard sales. Some of those books are in pristine shape, paged through but hardly ever used.

Others of those cookbooks are in frightful shape. They're dogeared and splattered. Those distressed volumes are the ones that I refer to constantly and actually consult when the culinary spirit moves me.


OP Ed: We must enlighten ourselves before it is too late

By Brendan Kolding

The Enlightenment Era was aptly named, as it yielded lessons that are still beneficial today.  In 1651, Thomas Hobbes discussed man's transition from the state of nature to the civil society in Leviathan.  Life in the state of nature is nasty, brutish, and short, so man opts for protection from the sovereign (government).  In exchange for this protection, man gives up a certain amount of his free will and agrees to abide by a social contract (laws).  In order to maintain a civil society that is fair and just for all, the sovereign must enforce laws (police).  The framers of our constitution were heavily influenced by Hobbes and other Enlightenment Era theorists.


HERBOLD: West Seattle Bridge Update

Stabilization is complete and the repair schedule for both the high and low bridges is out

District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold offered an update on the West Seattle Bridge in her newsletter to constituents on Jan. 15.

Funding update

The City of Seattle is pursuing $15 million in funding from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) for the West Seattle Bridge project. This week the PSRC Transportation Policy Board advanced the request to the Executive Board. A big thank you to PSRC Transportation Policy Board members Council President Lorena González and Councilmember Debora Juarez for their work on this board to move the proposal forward!

The PSRC Executive Board will consider this for final action on January 28.

On Wednesday, the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force met and heard a number of updates from SDOT.

West Seattle Bridge repair update
